Saturday, 13 October 2012

Indiana Chip and Detective Teddy: Chapter Thirty Three

\ Chapter 33 \ Betrayer

  I.Ted was floating in mid-air, in a slipper, "This is my invention," he said "I took a giant slipper, put a few wires, engines, stuff like that inside it and bingo! You get a hover slipper!"
Chip and the others looked at it, you could see which part was hovering, because there were funny rings coming out of it. "O.K," said Bogey "We havent got all day, we gotta get moving." As they ran, flew or hovered along, Ted ran up to Chip, "I see what you mean, about him seeming to be on another team. They turned a corner, "In here," Bogey said. Once in the room they could see every single bad guy in the room. At the far end, There was the mighty T-rex. "Meet my friends," said Bogey. Chip said "You betrayed us" then Tedsaid "You've been a baaad boy Bogey," Bogey was beside the T-Rex "Hey, don't worry guys, I got a good price for selling you guys out, right emperor." The T-Rex answered "Do not be concerned, you will get what you deserve."


Notes: It's sad to realise that the peak of my writing abilities came when I was ten years-old. That first sentence was mind-bogglingly brilliant.

The Bogey betrayal added a bit of intrigue and interest (poorly written and telegraphed from the start, I admit) to a story just waiting for the final battle. Naturally it wasn't my own idea, but one stolen from a Sonic the Comic story featuring Knuckles. In it, he and the Chaotix team were betrayed by one of their team members to the Metallix Emperor.

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