Monday, 8 October 2012

Indiana Chip and Detective Teddy: Chapter Nine

\Chapter 9\ Rocket T-Rex

 Chip ran as fast as he could through the trees, when he reached an opening, he saw a space rocket launching. He opened his arms and flew through the air.

 When he got to the spaceship, he got a fright, for there, above the door he saw a sign saying ROCKET T-REX! Then, he flew to the side of the rocket, where he saw a huge gun. So this was the Rexes plan, to fly up to space and blow up the planet. Well, he's not going to get very far! Chip flew inside.
 Meanwhile, Ted and Simba were wondering what was happining. They were running through the spaceship (they didn't know it was a spaceship though) shaking like mad. Suddenly they bashed into something!
 It was Chip!


Notes: So the whole 'villain builds a weapon to destroy the planet' is so cliched even a ten year-old would write it. In this story there's not even any indication the T-Rex using the threat of this weapon to gain leverage in negotiations with world leaders. Presumably off-screen he's a tense discussion with President Clinton.

 The Rocket T-Rex is not, as it happens, a rip-off of Star Wars' Death Star. It is a rip-off of Sonic the Hedgehog's Death Egg, which is a rip-off of Star Wars' Death Star. I only became aware of Star Wars during the course of writing this story. That shall become very apparent very soon.

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