Thursday, 11 October 2012

Indiana Chip and Detective Teddy: Chapter Nineteen

/Chapter 19/ Peace?

  The next three days were quiet ones, they were also sunny ones too, and Chip spent most of his time sunbathing, Ted spent most of his time sunbathing too.

Chip was sunbathing on his inflatable bed in his swimming pool, while ted was just sunbathing, while all this was happening, Foxy was getting his nappy chanched. Chip was wondering why nothing was happening, then, suddenly he remembered what the adventure was all about, he was suppossed to be rescueing a kitten! He jumped to his feet. But he found himself standing on water so he swam to the edge, climbed out, dried himself, put on his coat and hat and flew over to Teds, Simba and Snaky were were there too, so that was good. Chip asked "Whos that snake?" Ted said "It's snaky, my friend," Chip said "Oh,"
A while late Foxy came over. "Listen," said Chip, "We haven't been thinking about the kitten, so we must think of a plan!"


Notes: I imagine Chip remembered about the kitten at around the same time ten year-old me did. I also imagine ten year-old me had a real desire to have a swimming pool with an inflatable bed.

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